原标题:中国23所高校校长向海外学者齐声呼吁:走,回国去 人才资源是第一资源! 人才战略是第一战略! 人才优势是第一优势! 中国正在向全球人才发出召唤:一起实现中国梦!共同构建人类命运共同体!功以才成,业由才广 。中国高校\"双一流”建设如火如荼,对一流人才的需求日益迫切。越来越多的高校把目光瞄向海外,一次次的海外招聘、一场场的高校论坛,无不展示着中国高校要迈向世界一流的决心。目前,国外曾经为人称道的自由的学术环境,似乎渐渐失去了它的包容性,此时此刻,为何不听听另一个声音:走,回国去! \"聚焦双一流” 包括华南理工大学、东北大学、四川大学、南京大学、同济大学、暨南大学、南京航空航天大学等23所中国高校 东北大学Zhao Ji President of Northeastern University Northeastern University is one of the \"Double First-Class\" key construction universities in China\'s higher education. The university lays more emphasis on innovation and novelty of the international academic frontier and realizing the core technology innovation featured with significance, intractability and commonness in the industrial upgrading. Northeastern University will stride forward unremittingly to build itself into a world-class university with Chinese characteristics, playing a leading role in the new industrialization progress in China. We sincerely welcome global talents to join us in the pursuit of a better future for higher education. 东北大学是中国高等教育\"双一流\"重点建设高校之一。学校注重知识创新和技术创新。在学校建设\"在中国新型工业化进程中起引领作用的\'中国特色、世界一流\'大学\"奋斗愿景中,诚意欢迎全球优秀人才加入我们,共同追求高等教育美好明天。 四川大学Li Yanrong President of Sichuan University Sichuan University, first founded in 1896, comprises three campuses by the merger of the former Sichuan University, the former Chengdu University of Science and Technology, and the former West China University of Medical Sciences. As one of the level A universities included in the \"National Double First Class University Project\", SCU offers a full range of well-developed academic programs covering liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine, and enjoys a long tradition nationwide of most comprehensive programs and largest scale of enrollment. In the progress of becoming a world-class university, SCU has clearly marked out the development blueprint of \'running the best programs of medicine and a first-class program of liberal arts, science and new engineering\', and has set out a cross-disciplinary plan focused on \"medicine+\" and \"information+\" disciplines. SCU is committed to providing outstanding young talents with great working and living conditions. We look forward to you joining the ranks of the renowned scholars and researchers who make the SCU an outstanding university. 作为国家\"双一流\"建设的高校,四川大学创始于1896年,经原四川大学、原成都科技大学和原华西医科大学两次合并而成,学校文理工医学科齐全、发展均衡,是国内办学历史最早、规模最大、学科最齐全的大学之一。在迈向世界一流大学的进程中,四川大学明确了\"办最好的医科,办一流的文科、理科和新工科\"的发展思路,制定实施了\"医学+\"和\"信息+\"为主的多学科交叉行动计划,努力为优秀青年人才提供良好条件、搭建广阔舞台。我们真诚欢迎全球英才加盟川大,一起奋斗、创业,实现梦想! 华南理工大学Gao Song South China University of Technology Situated in Guangzhou, the thriving metropolis in China, South China University of Technology (SCUT) boasts of a rich history and exceptional academic legacies. SCUT is one of the top-ranked universities in China listed under the \"Double First-Class\" University Project, the nation\'s most significant education project for founding world-class universities. SCUT ranks 235th in ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities), with its engineering discipline at 22nd. In the 2019 Times Asia-Pacific University Ranking, SCUT ranks 15th among all Chinese universities. As a multidisciplinary university focusing on engineering, SCUT has maintained a close tie with the industry and given full attention to the latest development of science and technology worldwide. SCUT has been adapting its discipline layout to the strategic development of Guangdong and China by vigorously developing disciplines that meet the need of social development. Four of SCUT\'s disciplines, namely engineering, material science, chemistry, and agricultural science, rank top 1‰ in ESI internationally. In March 2017, the Chinese Ministry of Education, Guangdong Provincial Government, Guangzhou Municipal Government and SCUT signed an agreement on the collaborative construction of SCUT\'s Guangzhou International Campus, marking a quadruple cooperation unprecedented in Chinese history. SCUT has thus formed a discipline layout emphasizing the interdependence of its three campuses. In the coming years, SCUT will seize the opportunities created by China\'s national strategy of building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and make every effort to become the mainstay of the Greater Bay Area\'s scientific and technological innovation to accelerate the building of a world-class university. 坐落在广州的华南理工大学为国家\"双一流\"建设A类高校,具有深厚的历史和学术积淀。其稳居中国一流大学、世界知名高校前列,\"世界大学学术排名\"第235位,工科全球排名第22位,2019年在泰晤士亚太地区大学排名中位列全国高校第15位。作为一所理工科为主的多科性大学,华工充分发挥自身与行业产业紧密联系的优势,重点瞄准国际科技发展前沿,主动对接国家和广东省经济社会发展和战略性新兴产业发展需求,大力建设和主动布局适应经济社会发展需要、优势突出、特点鲜明、符合学校办学定位及目标的学科与专业,其中工程学、材料科学、化学和农业科学4个学科领域进入ESI全球排名前1‰。 2017年3月,教育部、广东省、广州市、华南理工大学四方签署协议,共建华南理工大学广州国际校区,是我国首次由部、省、市、校四方共建大学校区。华工也因此形成了\"一校三区\"的新发展格局,各校区在学科上互为支点又各有侧重。未来,学校将紧抓粤港澳大湾区建设这一国家战略所带来的重要历史机遇,努力打造成为大湾区科技创新中心的主力军,加快建设成为世界一流大学。 同济大学Tongji University, located in Shanghai, is one of the leading universities in China. Founded in 1907, the university has steadily developed as a research-oriented, international university with distinct features and global influence. It is now a comprehensive university with ten major disciplines in sciences, engineering, medicine, management, economics, philosophy, humanities, law, education and arts. Major breakthroughs have been made in a number of frontier scientific research fields, and a large number of social pillars and professional elites have been cultivated. Tongji has always taken an active role in expanding international cooperation, and gradually developed an international layout of focusing on cooperation with Europe, increasing the interactions with North America and reaching out to Asia and Africa. Tongji University has established the world\'s largest \"Multi-Functional Shaking Table Center,\" the nation\'s first \"Automotive Wind Tunnel Center,\" the \"Comprehensive Test Platform for Urban Rail Transit,\" the nation\'s first \"National Long-term Seabed Observatory System,\" and other platforms for major scientific study. Tongji also conducted cutting edge scientific research in the fields of long-span bridge construction, seismic design, intelligent urban traffic, urban sewage treatment, new energy car research and development, domestic intellectual greenhouse, remote sensing information, ocean drilling, atrial fibrillation research, and more. As a \"Double First-Class\" University, Tongji University is accelerating the process of constructing a world-class university. While emphasizing on core-discipline enhancement such as Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Science and Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology, it is also focusing on developing new or interdisciplinary disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence, Life Science, Translational Medicine, Marine Science, Innovative Design and Sustainable Development. Tongji University welcomes outstanding talents from all over the world to join us to jointly develop high-level knowledge innovation and cultivate top-notch innovative elites. 南京大学Jian Lv Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, President of Nanjing University \" Nanjing University enjoys a glorious tradition for more than 100 years, Breathing with the times, Sharing destiny with the nation and Seeking the strength of the country and progress of science. At present, Embraced by two major themes, namely, Fostering character and civic virtue and Serving the country. Nanjing University is pushing forward a comprehensive reform and speeding up the construction of a World-class university. We sincerely welcome a great many of young scholars to start a new journey for academic career in Nanjing University! \"南京大学百余年来有一个光荣的传统:与时代同呼吸、与民族共命运、谋国家之强盛、求科学之进步。当前,南京大学围绕做好\"立德树人\"和\"服务国家\"两篇大文章,正在深入推进综合改革,加快建设世界一流大学的步伐。我们真诚地欢迎广大的青年学者来到南京大学开启学术生涯新的历程!\"--中科院院士、南京大学校长吕建 上海财经大学Chuanhai Jiang President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Founded in 1917, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) boasts a long history of over a century in China. It has been devoted to cultivating outstanding talents and building a first-rate university with unique features in finance and economics. As a national high-level research university, SUFE has great strength in the fields of economics and business as well as social science. We sincerely welcome excellent talents in economics, management, statistics, mathematics, computer and relating fields to join SUFE and work with us to strive for the Double First-Class university. 暨南大学Address in the Special Issue \"Double First-class Universities\" in Science Professor Song Xianzhong, President of Jinan University June 2019 Over the course of the past 113 years, Jinan University, known as \"the top university for overseas Chinese\", has aimed to become a preeminent Chinese university with an international impact. Listed in China\'s Double First-Class University Plan and Guangdong High Level University Development Program, we have tremendous strength in the core disciplines such as engineering, chemistry, clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology, materials science, biology and biochemistry, agricultural science, and environmental science,which have been ranked the global top 1% of ESI citation, with 2-3 disciplines close to the top 0.1% according to the newly-released SCI data analysis by ISI. We make talent a strategic priority and launch a series of talent-oriented initiatives to seek a sustainable development at provincial, national, and international levels. While recognizing the importance of nurturing talent within the institution, we are proactive in optimizing the use of the educational resources at Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, identifying any opportunity to recruit people, and moving forward on our strategic institutional constructions as a prestigious Chinese university with world-class academic disciplines. We welcome all talents. We are here to provide competitive remunerations and exciting possibilities for all talented individuals for professional development. 经过113年的发展,素有\"华侨最高学府\"之称的暨南大学正朝着中国一流、世界知名的高水平大学目标发起冲刺。暨南大学是国家首批\"双一流\"学科建设高校,是广东省高水平大学建设高校,工程学、化学、临床医学、药理与毒理学、材料科学、生物学与生物化学、农业科学、环境科学/生态学8个学科进入ESI世界排名前1%。 暨南大学始终坚持\"人才资源是第一资源、人才战略是第一战略、人才优势是第一优势\"的理念,大力实施\"人才强校\"战略,扎实推进\"宁静致远工程\",全面落实\"暨南千人引智计划\"和\"暨南精英师资计划\",加强人才引进和培养力度,优化人才发展环境,抢占粤港澳大湾区教育和人才\"智\"高地,协同推动双一流和高水平大学建设,全力推进学校整体进入\"双一流\"建设高校。 暨南大学衷心欢迎各位有志之士加盟我校,我们将提供一流的服务和条件,让高端智力与百年暨南携手共创辉煌! 2017年3月,教育部、广东省、广州市、华南理工大学四方签署协议,共建华南理工大学广州国际校区,是我国首次由部、省、市、校四方共建大学校区。华工也因此形成了\"一校三区\"的新发展格局,各校区在学科上互为支点又各有侧重。未来,学校将紧抓粤港澳大湾区建设这一国家战略所带来的重要历史机遇,努力打造成为大湾区科技创新中心的主力军,加快建设成为世界一流大学。 中南财经政法大学Truly vibrant, dynamic and inspirational, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law is an ideal place of your pursuit of excellence in learning, teaching and research. We have never forgotten our mission of cultivating bright young minds, and have firmly adhered to our notion of \"running a first-class institution of education with eminent characteristics\". Our idea of \"learning for application, and researching for innovation\" has opened up a development-friendly system of interdisciplinary coordination among economics, management, law and political studies. In the fierce competition of \"the Double First-class Project\", talented staff members are our significant strategic resources, and we have successively carried out \"Thriving Plan\", \"Excelling Plan\" and \"Wenlan Plan\", recruiting influential scholars and researchers worldwide. Located in Wuhan, China, we have already developed into a base of marvelous students, a home for distinguished scholars and researchers, a forefront of disciplinary innovation, and a headquarter of think tanks. Now we are walking on the development road of \"effective construction with a moderate scale, and quality pursuit with prominent characteristics\". We have quickened the speed of reform in the personnel system, and formulated a new system to ensure a satisfactory salary for excellent performances in teaching and research. We provide, especially, young scholars with good living conditions and golden opportunities of promotion. We open our doors to anyone who is prepared to work hard to make a difference at our university. Come to join us, you will be proud of your wonderful choice of working with us! 中南财经政法大学不忘初心,牢记使命,始终秉承\"办特色、创一流\"的发展理念,积淀了\"学以致用、活泼创新\"的中原精神,形成了财经、政法深度融通、多学科相互协调互动的良性生态体系。在激烈的\"双一流\"竞争中,高层次人才是最重要的战略资源,学校以立德树人为根本,以人才强校为战略,以学科建设为核心,紧扣\"铭初心、谋发展、铸一流\"的主题,突出\"融通性、创新型、开放式\"人才培养特色,先后推进\"振兴工程\"\"名品工程\"\"文澜工程\",打造了扎根本土、面向世界的人才培育高地、学科创新高地、名师汇集高地、新型智库高地,逐步走出了一条\"规模适度、结构合理、质量优良、特色鲜明\"的内涵式发展道路。中南大苦练内功,不断加快相关人事制度改革步伐,真正建立起与一流学科建设相适应的人事制度、薪酬体系、科研管理与保障机制,积极搭建平台,给青年才俊创造条件、提供机会,做到事业留人、文化留人、感情留人、待遇留人。 南京航空航天大学Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) is a comprehensive, high-level, research-oriented university specialized on aeronautics, astronautics and civil aviation, with building a world-class university as its unremitting pursuit. We always regard teachers as our primary resource for development, and under the guidance of the scientific view on talents, we adhere to the principles of strengthening the university with talents by carrying out an all-round reform in personnel system, improving the mechanism to attract more talents, complying with the growth law of talents and optimizing environment for growth, so as to provide a solid platform for overseas young talents uniting together to strive for the bright future. We sincerely invite outstanding overseas scholars to join hands with us in taking the university mission, shouldering the era\'s responsibility and assembling global wisdom to construct the blueprint. \"Pursue the knowledge and serve the world\". Let\'s reunite together to create brilliance on the road of serving the nations and pursuing the excellence. 南京航空航天大学是中国一所具有航空航天民航特色的综合性、高水平、研究型大学,学校始终坚持世界一流标准,将师资作为发展第一资源,以科学人才观为指导,坚持\"人才强校\"办学理念,全面推进人事制度改革,健全人才集聚机制,遵循人才成长规律,优化人才成长环境,以期同音共律,广求俊彦。诚邀海外英才与我们一同坚守大学责任、展现时代担当、汇聚全球智慧、共建事业蓝图,智周万物,道济天下,在用天为民、追求卓越的道路上携手同行,共创辉煌。 东华大学As a key university in Shanghai, China, Donghua University (DHU) has been enlisted in the \"Double-First-Class University Plan\" in 2017. In response to the two commanding heights of national strategic demands and international fashion innovation, DHU, with its Textile Science and Engineering as the core, combined with Material Science and Design Studies, drives the concerted development of many related disciplines, such as Control Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Science, Chemistry and Business Management. It builds up an innovative, cross-disciplinary platform by integrating three centers, i.e., the Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology, the Center for Advanced Low-Dimensional Materials, and Shanghai International Fashion Innovation Center. DHU cherishes the value of talents, attaching high importance to both talent introduction and cultivation. Talents from all over the globe are welcome to join DHU in our unified endeavor of future development. 作为一所有特色的全国重点大学,东华大学自2017年进入\"双一流\"建设高校后,对接国家战略特需和国际时尚创意两个制高点,以纺织科学与工程学科为核心,以材料科学与工程和设计学等优势特色学科为主体,辐射带动控制、机械、环境、化学、管理等相关学科发展,搭建纺织科技创新中心、先进低维材料中心、国际时尚创意中心三大学科交叉创新平台。学校坚持人才强校核心战略,引育并举、探索多样化选人用人模式,鼓励优秀人才脱颖而出,诚邀全球科技人才加盟东华大学未来发展。 太原理工大学Dear young talents from around the world, Greetings from HUANG Qingxue, the President of Taiyuan University of Technology(TYUT)! As an institution of higher learning with a history of 117 years, TYUT was listed as China\'s \"Double World-class\" construction university in 2017. TYUT is a key construction university for China\'s national \"211 Project\", and is a priority development university in Shanxi province. Putting the students at the center and with construction disciplines taking the lead, TYUT has been, over the recent years, vigorously implementing the five university-driven strategic projects with the strategy of reinvigorating TYUT through human resource development at its core. At present, TYUT warmly welcomes young talents from around the globe with the broad vision of \"openness and inclusiveness\". I am confident that with our joint efforts, TYUT will soon build itself into a university featuring high standards, internationalization, and innovation. Over 40,000 TYUT staff and students are earnestly looking forward to the arrival of high-end talented professionals and their teams both from home and abroad. 河南科技大学Brief Introduction of Henan University of Science and Technology Henan University of Science and Technology (HAUST), located in the thousand-year ancient capital and the peony flower city of Luoyang, is jointly Sponsored by the State Administration of Science, Technology Industry for National Defense and the People\'s Government of Henan Province, as well as University Supported by National Basic Ability Construction Project of Western and Central China, Council Member of Universities Alliance of the Silk Road, Model University of Entrepreneurial Education and National Continuing Education Base for Professionals. Henan University of Science and Technology has a comprehensive education system for doctors, masters and bachelors. It has consistently developed its priorities in fields such as mechanics, materials, bearing, gear, new energy vehicle, IT, robotics, agricultural mechanics and medicine by means of advantages on region, industry and discipline, and made prominent contributions to the economic and social development through industry-university-research cooperation in the long history. Henan University of Science and Technology sincerely welcomes talents worldwide! 南方医科大学Founded in 1951, Southern Medical University (SMU) is located in the city of Guangzhou, the frontier metropolis of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Great Bay Area. With strong academic strengths and solid foundation in research, SMU is the only university jointly sponsored by Ministry of Education, National Health Commission and Guangdong Provincial Government. It is one of the pioneer universities in China first launching the eight-year M.D. program. With the implementation of the newly initiated 2019 Talents Recruitment Program, SMU is now seeking outstanding scholars and young talents from all over the world to join us. We aim to create and sustain an innovative academic and research platform that will attract and gather scholars of the highest attainments and potential to start a new and exciting career and to achieve a higher level of academic success in the Great Bay Area. 南方医科大学坐落于改革开放前沿城市广州,学校创建于1951年,是唯一一所教育部、国家卫健委、省政府共建高校,是全国首批开设八年制临床医学专业八所高校之一,学校拥有雄厚的学术底蕴和扎实的科研基础。 2019年学校实施人才强校战略再出发,广泛寻找海内外优秀人才,并通过建设一批服务于科技创新和人才培养的高水平学术和科技大平台,使学校成为优秀医科学术人才、教学人才、临床人才的聚集地和用武之地,让所有人才在致力学校高水平大学建设中、在服务粤港澳大湾区建设中开拓事业,成就梦想! 中南民族大学South-Central University for Nationalities (SCUN), founded in 1951, is a comprehensive university under the direct administration of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. It is located by the beautiful South Lake of Wuhan, which is the capital of Hubei Province and the home to the renowned Yellow Crane Tower. Now SCUN is jointly-funded and built by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Education and the provincial government of Hubei and is evaluated as \"National First-Class university\" in Hubei province. Taking \"High quality, Characteristic disciplines, Talent Competitiveness and Ethnic Distinctiveness\" as its guiding principles, The school motto \"Profound belief and Passionate learning, Pure-heartedness and large-mindedness\" has inspired teachers and students from different ethnic groups to work hard for a better future for themselves as well as for the country. In the fierce competition of \"the Double First-class Project\", SCUN has made great academic achievement in recent years, with ethnology, chemistry and pharmacy having been listed as \"National First-Class Discipline\" in Hubei province while chemistry ranking top 1% globally according to Essential Science Indicator and ethnology ranking the third nationally in the fourth round of discipline evaluation in China. At present, SCUN has opened up a development-friendly system of interdisciplinary coordination among Arts, Science and Engrieering. We will continuously gather the consensus that \"Talent is the First Resource\", further promote the construction of \"Double First-class\" and deepen the comprehensive reform of higher education, accelerate the pace of construction of \"distinctive, first-class and internationally renowned high-level national universities\", and realize the pursuit of common value of higher education. 中南民族大学是一所国家部委直属的综合性重点高校,创建于1951年,坐落于白云黄鹤的故乡--湖北武汉南湖之滨,现为国家民委、教育部、湖北省共建院校,湖北省\"国内一流大学建设高校\"。 学校大力实施\"质量立校、学科兴校、人才强校、特色荣校\"战略,以\"笃信好学,自然宽和\"的校训激励各族师生奋发图强、全面发展。在激烈的\"双一流\"建设中,民族学、化学和药学3个学科入选湖北省\"国内一流学科建设学科\",化学学科进入全球ESI排名前1%,民族学在第四轮学科评估中排名全国第三。目前已经形成文、理、工三大学科门类,多学科协调互动发展的全新格局。 学校将不断凝聚\"人才是第一资源\"的共识,深入推进\"双一流\"建设和深化高等教育综合改革,加快\"特色鲜明、国内一流、国际知名的高水平民族大学\"的建设步伐,实现高等教育的共同价值追求。 西南石油大学Zhao Jin-zhou President of Southwest Petroleum University Founded in 1958, Southwest Petroleum University is the national \"double-first class\" world-class university for discipline construction. It covers eight discipline fields. The petroleum engineering discipline obtained A+, making Southwest Petroleum University one of the 80 universities with A+ disciplines in China. After 60 years\' construction, it has developed into a university with a focus on engineering and multi-disciplinary coordinated development. It has prominent advantages and distinctive characteristics in oil and gas and has become an extremely important talent training base and scientific and technological research and development base in China\'s oil and gas industry. With the commitment of building \"a world-class discipline, a first-class energy university and a century famous school\", we sincerely invite you to join us to lead and serve the global energy revolution in Chengdu, China. 西南石油大学成立于1958年,是中国\"双一流\"世界一流学科建设高校。学校涵盖8个学科门类,石油与天然气工程学科是国家A+学科,学校是中国具有A+学科的80所高校之一。经过60年的建设,现已发展成为一所以工为主、多学科协调发展、石油天然气优势突出和特色鲜明的大学,已成为中国石油天然气工业极为重要的人才培养基地和科技研发基地。我们在中国成都,在学校建设\"世界一流学科、一流能源大学和百年名校\"奋斗愿景中,诚邀您的加入,共同引领和服务全球能源革命。 南京信息工程大学Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) adheres to the development strategy of openness, collaboration and characteristics. It intends to establish a harmonious multi-disciplinary system with atmospheric science, environmental ecology and meteorological information technology as its features. It targets at specifically chosen high-end talents and establishes a round-the-clock, multilayered and one-stop liaison and service mechanism. NUIST innovates its talent work system by implementing activities such as \"Face to Face with NUIST Presidents\" and \"Global Invitation\", holding one-stop job fairs, setting up platforms like \"Overseas Academician Workstation\", \"Hub of Talents from Taiwan\" and \"Station of Retired Soldiers\" as well as upgrading the N+10 individualized talent service concept. Welcomes talents from all over the world to our warm and reliable NUIST! 菁英荟萃,气象万千。南京信息工程大学始终坚持\"开放、协同、特色\"发展理念,着力构建以大气科学为核心的\"一体两翼三维\"的一流学科发展布局。当前正以\"六新\"举措精准靶向引进高层次人才,构建起全天候、立体化、一站式人才联络与服务机制:不断创新人才引进\"新理念\",持续实施\"校长面对面\"\"全球邀约\"等人才引进\"新举措\",举办\"一站式\"专场招聘\"新形式\",搭建\"海外院士工作站\"\"台湾人才汇聚集\"\"军转人才中转站\"等\"新平台\",创新人才工作\"新机制\",升级\"N+10\"个性化人才服务\"新理念\",竭诚欢迎各类高层次人才回国(来华)加盟有情怀、有温度、有担当的南信大。 江苏师范大学Superb talents support top-grade universities. Therefore, Jiangsu Normal University consistently insists on the principle of \"Talents Oriented\", gives full play to the work related to talented personnel in building world-class universities and disciplines, and comprehensively advances the strategy of establishing a powerful university of talents. Led by sophisticated talents, focusing on the frontier of Science and Technology, expanding disciplines, and finding our new characteristics and advantages, JSNU positively launches worldwide high-level talents recruitment, initiatively participants in global talents competition, pays equal attention to introduction and cultivation, makes efforts to train superior innovative talents and sets up platforms for faculty development. At present, JSNU has enjoyed a scientific and exact system of talent introducing, academic title salary and personal development, aiming at providing service for talents precisely and effectively. We sincerely welcome international top-notch talents! 江苏科技大学Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (JUST) is located in Zhenjiang, a city in Jiangsu province which is known for beautiful scenery and historical and cultural significance. The university, an engineering-oriented higher education institute with distinctive characteristics, provides both undergraduate and graduate education. It is characterized by \"shipbuilding industry, marine science and sericulture” and aimed at building a first-class shipbuilding university in China. So far, the Engineering Science and Material Science of the university have ranked among the global top 1% in Essential Science Indicators (ESI). We are now sincerely extending our invitations to highly competitive talents from both home and abroad with favorable terms so as to build a brighter future for the university. 湖南工商大学Xiaohong Chen president of the university, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Keeping up with the times and adhering to its motto of \"Sincerity Credibility, Pragmatism Innovation\", Hunan University of Technology and Business insists on meeting the major needs of the country, the world and the future, and promotes the construction of the national \"double first-class\" plan with first-class philosophy, first-class goal, first-class standard, first-class quality and first-class mechanism. With the innovative path of developing disciplines of \"technology + business\" and \"new engineering + new commerce\" it focuses on constructing the innovative, entrepreneurial and application-oriented faculty led by the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering to build a high quality university with distinctive characteristics. \"The view is broad with a flat tide and it\'s fit to sail with a positive wind.\" The prosperous university earnestly welcomes scholars from all over the world to build a \"Development Community\" connected by heart and hand and to create a splendid chapter of the new era. 中国工程院院士 湖南工商大学校长 陈晓红 湖南工商大学紧随时代步伐,秉承\"至诚至信,为实为新\"的校训,坚持面向国家重大需求、面向世界、面向未来,以一流的理念、一流的目标、一流的标准、一流的质量、一流的机制推进\"双一流\"建设。创新 \"技术+商业\"\"新工科+新商科\"融合发展思路,倾力打造院士领衔的高水平师资队伍,着力培养创新型、创业型、应用型高级专门人才,致力建设特色鲜明的高水平工商大学。\"潮平两岸阔,风正好扬帆\",发展势头强劲的湖南工商大学真诚期待全球优秀人才的加盟,共建心手相连的\"发展共同体\",共创湖南工商大学的美好未来,共谱新时代新跨越的辉煌篇章! 贵州医科大学Zooming in on \"Double First Class\"Initiative Liang Guiyou, President of Guizou Medical University \"Double First Class\"initiative (world\'s first class university and first class discipline)becomes the national strategy of China, turning on a new page for the development of Chinese medical education and bringing about new opportunities. Talents are the core and key elements of a university. The construction of first class teaching and research teams is of vital importance to a university. Continuous gaining and producing first class scientists, academic disciplinary leaders and innovative teams are the key principle to improve the comprehensive competence of a university. Focusing on the\"Double First Class\"initiative, Guizhou Medical University(GMU)starts the \"PUMC program\" joining hands with Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College(PUMC), adopts the world\'s most advanced concept in medical education, and implements the \"PUMC Seed\" program, aiming to turn the students into outstanding and top medical talents with international perspective and top medical elites who think big in the health sector of Guizhou province .We sincerely welcome overseas brains, experts, and scholars to visit Guizhou Medical University for academic exchange, and invite you to join the teaching and research teams of GMU and work with us to advance the \"Double First-class\" initiative in GMU. \"双一流\"(一流大学、一流专业)建设成为国家战略,为中国医学事业发展翻开了新篇章、迎来了新机遇。人才是一所大学的核心和关键,建设一流师资队伍是强校大计,不断引进和培养一流科学家、学科领军人才和创新团队是高校提升综合竞争力的根本遵循。贵州医科大学聚焦\"双一流\",与中国医学科学院北京协和医学院联袂举办\"协和班\",吸纳全球最先进的医学教育理念, 实施\"协和种子\"计划,把学生培养成为具有国际视野的卓越医学拔尖创新人才,培养成为引领贵州医疗卫生事业发展具有大格局、大视野的顶尖医学精英。热诚欢迎海外优秀人才、专家、学者莅临贵州医科大学进行学术交流访问,并诚挚欢迎加入贵州医科大学师资团队,共同推进贵州医科大学\"双一流\"建设迈出新步伐。 曲阜师范大学Qufu Normal University (QFNU) is located in Qufu City, -- the birthplace of Confucius, one of the cradles of the ancient Chinese civilization, the oriental Holy City. And we have recently built a new campus in Rizhao City, a beautiful coastal city in Shandong Province. With 64 years of forging ahead, we are now a comprehensive provincial key university developing basic liberal arts and science, multi-disciplinary coordinated development of liberal arts, science and management, and are especially famous for teacher education. For now we have 12 first-level doctoral disciplines and 7 post-doctoral research stations; we also have 3 ESI worldwide top 1% disciplines, and 5 first-class disciplines of Shandong Province. Besides, we have over 50 innovation platforms such as state-level and province-level key disciplines, key laboratories, collaborative innovation centers, research bases and new-type think tanks. It has many advanced scientific research platforms, where the excellent academic environment has facilitated the great progress of the outstanding teachers and students here to have realized their dreams. Qufu Normal University, one of the unique academic communities, is waiting for you to join us! 曲阜师范大学坐落在中华文化的重要发祥地、孔子故里、东方圣城曲阜,在海滨城市日照建有新校区,经过64年砥砺进取,已经发展成为一所以教师教育为特色、基础文理为主体、文理工管等多学科协调发展的综合性省属重点大学。学校现有博士一级学科12个,博士后流动站7个;入选ESI世界前1%学科3个,山东省一流学科5个;建有国家和省部级重点学科、重点实验室、协同创新中心、研究基地、新型智库等创新平台50余个。 这里有高层次的科研平台,这里有兼容并包的学术环境,这里有诲人不倦、学而不厌的师生,这里将会成为你再次腾飞的起点、温馨生活的家园!圣地学府 ,儒风海韵,文明在这里激荡、理想在这里扬帆! 佛山科学技术学院Foshan University, governed by Guangdong province as well as Foshan municipality, is dedicating herself to a leading national institution of science and technology. Located in the city of Foshan, hometown for Bruce Lee and Ip Man, Foshan University has always been enjoying ever-thriving benefits resulted from a fusion of traditional essence, cutting-edge technologies and globalized humanity. With geographical advantages - encircled in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, connected by subway to capital city Gaungzhou and express rail to metropolis Hong Kong, she is determined to plunge into the global education activities.Young scholars are the hope of universities. In order to attract more excellent scholars from all over the world to join us and help them grow up as soon as possible, several new fund projects, involving the basic fund of scientific research, excellent young scholar program, outstanding teaching award and efficient research environment etc., are implemented at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. 听,祖国在召唤你, 海量高校岗位期待优秀的你, 或是小有名气的学术佼佼者,返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: